From The Writing Strategies Book (Serravalo, 2017), the Class Anthology approach is a publishing strategy that involves producing a shared, tangible collection of work.
The purpose of the Class Anthology is to arrive at an end product that includes all (or samples of all) student writing and is sharable as a single artifact. This can be accomplished both physically and digitally through a myriad of mediums. Consider some of the following approaches:
- Printed physical copies: have students digitally submit (either typed or photos of written) writings. Print each (or combine in a single document before printing), and make copies for each student.
- Class ebook: like the printed copies, have students digitize and share writing, then combine into a single digital resource and share on class websites, with parents, etc.
- Class website portfolio: create a website that features each student’s writing digitally, potentially including audio or video readings of the text with About the Author pages and other appendicular material.
- Professionally printed copies: using websites that will print copies by order, combine student writing digitally and share order information with parents as well as order a classroom copy to host in the room. One common resource for this approach is https://studentreasures.com/ (allows for parents ordering copies and delivers a free classroom copy to teachers if parents place orders).
Additional resources for the above ideas include:
- Google Sites for free, collaborative website creation
- Google Slides or Google Docs for easy digitizing and PDF/ebook creation (both tools allow users to save as a PDF)
- Anchor.fm for free podcast hosting and creation (NOTE: this service shares material publicly and cannot be privately restricted–use with caution)