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3P Learning Academy for Trainers

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  3. 3P Learning Academy for Trainers

Our 3P Learning Facilitators Will Help You Train Teachers to…

Engage students in deep, rigorous learning

Improve student engagement and motivation

Increase student achievement

Connect standards to real-world, high-interest topics

Cultivate students’ critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills


What will you learn & Experience DURING OUR 3P LEARNING ACADEMY?

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the 3Ps: Project-, Problem-, and Place-based Learning and how to convey those nuances to teachers.
  • Learn and practice the resources and skills needed to facilitate 3P Learning for teachers.
  • Experience 3P Learning protocols and debrief with veteran trainers.
  • Collaborate with other 3P Learning trainees.


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Registration is Open!

Available events:
  • Project-based Learning Academy: June 19-21, 2023 in Grand Rapids, MI
  • 3P Learning Academy: June 27-29, 2023 in Ludington, MI
To begin registration, contact us with the form below. Be sure to indicate which event and dates interest you!

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      Learn more about 3P Learning Academy for Trainers

      If you’re interested in learning about how we train professional learning facilitators in 3P Learning or want to attend or offer a 3P Learning event, contact us below.

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