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11 things you didn’t know you could do in Zoom

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11 things you didn’t know you could do in Zoom

If you ever feel like you aren’t using Zoom to its fullest potential or can’t keep up with new features, check out the video below: 11 things you didn’t know you could do in Zoom.

Topics include:
1. Sharing slides as a virtual background
2. Sharing just a portion of your screen
3. Annotating on a shared screen
4. Pinning videos
5. Side-by-side mode during screen sharing
6. Hiding non-video participants
7. Video filters and backgrounds
8. Touching up appearance
9. Adjusting for low light
10. Recording a screen share without video
11. Letting participants choose a breakout room

Like these ideas? To learn classroom engagement strategies that make the most immediate impact, we recommend checking out our program, "Fostering Engagement Online Course."

Learn More >

Amy Jimenez

Author Since: May 8, 2018

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