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3Ds Learning Model

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The 3Ds Learning Model–Discover, Discuss, Demonstrate–is a station rotation structure involving both teacher-led and student-driven activities.


The Discover, Discuss, and Demonstrate represent the 3 stations in the rotation structure. The teacher divides students into three groups based on ability or degree of independence or content knowledge. Depending on the division, groups start at different stations in order to engage with content in different methods.

DISCOVER: Students with moderate levels of understanding or competence or independence start here. This station consists of independent exploration of content resources like videos, articles, or textbooks. Students watch or read for understanding, taking notes or completing guided organizers to enhance focus. For later groups, this station can also be used to enhance or extend understanding of the topic through individual research.

DISCUSS: Students with the lowest levels of understanding or competence or independence start here. This station consists of teacher-led discussion where the teacher helps students identify key concepts on the topic as well as asking and answering questions to access prior knowledge and make connections. For later groups, this station can be used to deepen understanding or challenge misconceptions.

DEMONSTRATE: Students with the highest levels of understanding or competence or independence start here. This station consists of small group collaboration or individual creation. Students might discuss ideas in a student-led discussion protocol or create materials to present concepts or show understanding. For the first group, this station is used to recall concepts and establish gaps in understanding. For later groups, this station can be used to create artifacts.


For more, read the original article by Stephanie Rothstein and Lainie Rowell published on Edutopia

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