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Click the orange box to show/hide each section.
  1. Set up a free account on
  2. Use the “Content” section to add and create videos
  3. Add interactive elements to videos
  4. Save and share video activities

  1. Use the “My Classes” section to add classes and invite students
  2. Use the “Assign” button when creating videos to add activities to a class

  1. Use the “Gradebook” section to view, grade, and monitor existing assignments
  2. Analyze participation and engagement by viewing class, assignment, and individual data

  1. Deliver synchronous video activities with the “Go Live” feature
  2. Integrate Edpuzzle with Learning Management Systems (especially Google Classroom) for easier use

Remember that additional support and resources can be found using the resources linked at the top of this page or by consulting with your Communications by Design coach.

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