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Click the orange box to show/hide each section.

  1. Sign up for a free account at
  2. Use the create button to add a new quiz
  3. Use the “Find a Quiz” option to find and replicate existing quizzes
  4. Create different question types and adjust question settings
  5. Use “Teleport” to add questions directly from existing quizzes (search public library)

  1. Facilitate a live game with “Play Live
  2. Assign to students with the “Assign HW” button (student accounts required, can integrate with Google)
  3. Play solo (student view/experience) or share practice link with the “Practice” button

  1. Create a new class (or integrate with Google Classroom) under the “Classes” section
  2. View results under the “Reports” section (or by opening an individual quiz or a class)
  3. Organize quizzes in “Collections
  4. Create “Memes” for correct/incorrect feedback


Remember that additional support and resources can be found using the resources linked at the top of this page or by consulting with your Communications by Design coach.

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