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Ending the Year with Schoology

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Ending the Year with Schoology

The end of the school year looms, but alongside the joys of summer break creep the dreads of end-of-year maintenance. On Schoology, this can mean another grand headache…

Unless you know what’s coming!

If your district is using Schoology Enterprise (paid version), this is actually quite simple!

    • Your course(s) will automagically archive once the term ends
    • To find them again, you can simply view archived courses (Course tab > See All > Archived)
    • To save or copy materials to Resources or other Courses, simply open the archived course.
    • Or you can save materials before the course archives

If your district is not on Enterprise (you are a Schoology Basic user), the process will be manual.

    • Save your materials to Resources (if desired)
    • Open the See All menu (Courses tab > See All)
    • Select the settings wheel (gear)
    • Choose “Delete Section” or “Archive Section”
    • Remember, you can always find Archived and Deleted courses and access materials. There is no permanent delete.

For more details on how to accomplish these feats, watch this tutorial video: A Teacher’s Guide to Ending the Year on Schoology

Like these ideas? To learn classroom engagement strategies that make the most immediate impact, we recommend checking out our program, "Fostering Engagement Online Course."

Learn More >

Zach Ripley

Author Since: May 31, 2017

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