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Student-Created Websites

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Student-Created Websites

A student-created website is just one of many ways students can share their work with the world while also providing a forum for creative expression.  A student-created website continues to help them learn communication skills such as presentation, expression, writing, vocabulary, and more. Websites can be a great publishing tool for digital portfolios, online resumes, or a digital presentation platform.

What would students publish on a website? 

A portfolio or resumé

Students can showcase academic accolades, extra-curricular activities, art work, writing samples, etc.  As a learning portfolio, students can look back on their progress over time and choose their best examples of learning to highlight.   As a resume, potential schools and employers can see a student’s technical skills and creativity.  

Build a personal brand or online identify

Through a website, students can express themselves creatively and build a positive web presence.  Students can share their story, interests, and even create their own logo. Their website can be used to start advertising for future schools and employers. 

Project presentation

Individual or student teams can create and publish a website to share research findings or final projects with an audience.  Rather than PowerPoint or Google Slides, a website presents information for users to interact with on their own. Students then must think about how to organize and present information so that it’s accessible and engaging to the audience.  Adding in commenting features allows for two-way interaction between website users and creators.  

Class website

For younger students, a single classroom website can be started by the teacher, and students can provide input into what goes on the website, from photos of their work, pictures of the classroom in action, or other artifacts or information the students think are important for their parents and the world to know.

School newspaper

Start a school or class “newspaper” or news website.  Students can collaborate on a website that is published to the school community, updating with news stories and photos each week. 

Book reviews

Use a class website for students to post reviews of books as they read.  Embedding a Google Form or Padlet allows students to leave comments to other students as well.

How do I make a website?

These options are FREE and easy to use: 

Google Sites

With templates and drag-and-drop content, New Google Sites makes it easy for any Google user to create a professional looking site.  Websites can be made private within your Google domain or public on the web.  


With a free teacher account, you can create and manage up to 40 student accounts. Choose from easy-to-use templates and embed content from all over the web. 

Need help getting started? 

Connect with an instructional tech coach: or visit our on-demand online coaching:  (Yes, it’s free!)

Like these ideas? To learn classroom engagement strategies that make the most immediate impact, we recommend checking out our program, "Fostering Engagement Online Course."

Learn More >

Amy Jimenez

Author Since: May 8, 2018

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