Adobe Express
Adobe Express CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: create visually dynamic graphics, web pages, and videos; includes free images and icons
Adobe Express CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: create visually dynamic graphics, web pages, and videos; includes free images and icons....
Animoto CATEGORY: Photo & Video. DESCRIPTION: blend music, photos, and videos into a professional-quality video (all videos on the free....
Assemblr CATEGORY: Photo & Video. DESCRIPTION: build augmented reality assets attached to physical resources (example: when viewing a poster on....
AudioPen CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: convert voice recordings into text summaries; users transcribe spoken content and organize it into clear, structured....
Autocrat CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: use Google Sheets to automatically generate Docs and other formats; merge data from sheets into docs....
Awesome Screenshot CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: both an image annotation tool (Chrome app) and a screencasting tool (Chrome ext); great....
Babbel CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: Practice languages (many available) via dynamic activities. Limited content in free version, but highly rated.... CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity DESCRIPTION: This presentation tool integrates a generative artificial intelligence that crafts visuals for you based on....
Blogger CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: Google’s first and simplest blogging platform; Blogger utilizes dynamic templates and various gadgets and....
Bloomz CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: an all-in-one school-to-home connection tool. From 2-way messaging with parents to scheduling events with....
Boomwriter CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: collaborative, scaffolded narrative writing; features include sharing and publishing student writing and giving and....
Buncee CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: A presentation tool with student-friendly and intuitive design; includes unique elements like animations and other design....
Canva CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: the most widely used visual design tool for creating images, icons, infographics, visually dynamic....
Canva Magic Write CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: (note: regular Canva account required) a text-based copy writer that will produce copy....
ChatGPT CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: generate ideas, answer questions, and explain concepts; create lesson materials, quizzes, and assignments; students can practice....
Chatterpix CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: this app allows users to add a mouth to an image and insert audio....
Chrome Music Lab CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: this music and beat creation tool allows users (no account necessary) to....
Class Dojo CATEGORY: Learning Management System DESCRIPTION: one of the leading behavior management tools; award students points based on customized....
Classcraft CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: behavior management and K-8 ELA/math tool; this system gamifies the classroom experience, mirroring and....
ClassHook CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: Browse library of content-connected popular movie clips; create and assign clips and tasks to....
Classkick CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: create and monitor digital assignments in real time; teacher-student interaction, highly recommend, great connectivity,....
Code Shrew CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: This simple (free!) web app allows users to create basic drawing and animations with....
Coggle CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: basic mind-mapping tool with limited customization; add visuals from built-in media library COMMON USES: teachers create....
Conjuguemos CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: lessons, resources, and activities to support language teachers (Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, and....
Curipod CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: teachers create interactive lessons using AI. Students can explore various topics, and the AI functionality....
CutePDF CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: PDF file type conversion tool: Delete, crop, and merge PDFs, among other things COMMON USES: teachers....
Democracy 3 CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: This app allows users to create their own governments/economies and play out simulations that....
Desmos CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: digital graphing tool and assignment creation for interactive, visual mathematics COMMON USES: teachers create and....
Doceri CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: app for creating videos of annotated lessons (can insert images, text, shapes, etc.), interactive and collaborative....
DocHub CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: edit, email, and sign PDFs along with additional features like merging multiple documents COMMON USES: share....
Doctopus CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: use to deliver copies of shared items to students, grade via rubrics, comment on....
Dotstorming CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: very simple posting/voting tool; users (no login needed) can add cards, comment, chat, and....
Dream Machine CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: generate video clips from text inputs; create fully customizable video clips from cartoon graphics to....
DuoLingo CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: this site/app allows users to practice foreign languages easily and progressively, delivering steadily more complex lessons....
EdPuzzle CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: use videos from youtube, khan, etc. (or upload your own) to create a video.... CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: an AI platform that allows users to create lesson plans, assessments, and educational resources. It aims....
Educreations CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: app and website that allows users to create whiteboard lessons with multiple pages/slides, images, text,....
EquatIO Platform: Extension (Chrome) Description: easily insert mathematics expressions into google docs or forms Common Strategies: use a Google Doc to....
Explain Everything CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: create dynamic video lessons from a whiteboard style interface with drawing tools, text....
Exploratorium CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: This virtual museum provides resources and experiences for exploring a wide range of topics in....
Fan School CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: easy and intuitive blogging for younger students COMMON USES: Students create learning profiles.... CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (music) DESCRIPTION: (FREE for teachers, premium available) This web/iOS app allows users to create musical scores....
Flubaroo CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: automatically grade google form submissions and send feedback/results to students COMMON USES: use Flubaroo to....
Formative CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: assignment and assessment tool that includes multiple choice, true/false, text, draw (and insert PDFs/images....
Formative AI CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: (built into the existing Formative platform) create, distribute, and assess student assignments in real time;....
Renaissance Freckle CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (ELA, Math) DESCRIPTION: Adaptive and personalized math, ELA, social studies, and science instruction (grade levels....
GenType CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: a Google Labs tool that creates custom “fonts” (images of letters, basically) based on any....
GeoGebra CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (math) DESCRIPTION: math tools and resources focused on grades 4-8, includes sample assignments and activities COMMON....
Goblin Tools CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: AI tools for interaction with texts, tasks, ideas, and more; Magic ToDo: generate sub-tasks....
GoNoodle CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (brain break) DESCRIPTION: GoNoodle turns movement into a game and makes it easy to be active, the....
Goobric CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: (works with Doctopus) Create rubrics that can be instantly and easily inserted into student Google....
Google Drawings CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: custom design tool that is great for mind-mapping because of layering and connecting tools,....
Google Forms CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Open-ended survey/assessment tool (can customize to any degree or use with combination of....
Google Sites CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: quickly create simple, clean, professional sites with drag and drop tools and Google integration COMMON....
Google Slides CATEGORY: Sharing & Presentation DESCRIPTION: Google’s presentation tool designed around the same concept as powerpoint but with greater....
Google Teacher Center CATEGORY: Resource Library DESCRIPTION: This is Google’s teacher help and training center for all things Google (Classroom,....
Grammarly CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: browser extension that checks grammar and spelling as you type in websites, documents, etc. on your....
Grammarly AI CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: AI features built into Grammarly that support writing revision, drafting and brainstorming, editing, and....
Hello Talk CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (language) DESCRIPTION: Dubbed a “Language Exchange.” Users interact with other users to help each other learn....
HeyGen CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: generate an AI version of yourself to then create videos based on text input; includes....
Ideogram CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: AI tool for generating fully customized visuals; includes images, graphics, charts, realistic photos, and more. ....
iMovie CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: create videos easily and intuitively with the industry-leading movie-making software (iPad or Mac only);....
Insert Learning CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: This Google Chrome extension allows users to turn entire web pages into interactive lessons. On the....
Instructables CATEGORY: Resource Library DESCRIPTION: how-to for anything and everything; examples include how to 3D print certain objects, how to....
IXL CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: immersive, adaptive math/ELA content practice (PK-12th grade); students take diagnostic tests to align with....
Kahoot! CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: real-time multiple-choice game (can play individually or in teams) with options for assigning activities....
Kaizena CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Docs/Chrome: Highlight and speak instead of typing to comment on student docs. Track skills....
Kami CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: edit PDFs, annotate on PDFs; download, share, and save; add or delete pages; includes integrations within....
Keepvid CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: Download or save videos from youtube, etc. (works inconsistently depending on copyright situations); additional....
Khan Academy CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (all) DESCRIPTION: digital content library; online course lessons, assessments & resources; pre-made video lesson activities....
Khanmigo CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: developed by Khan Academy, provide personalized learning support, answer questions, and help guide students through educational....
Learning Paths CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: (by Symbaloo) create student-paced lessons by adding resources, links, or media as well....
Loom CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: Screen video recorder (screencasting) that allows users to record: tab, desktop, webcam; integrates with....
Math Aids CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (math) DESCRIPTION: resources for teachers for enrichment, to remediation; downloadable/printable activities and worksheets (CAUTION: website....
Memrise CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (language) DESCRIPTION: foreign language practice; includes “courses” (similar to “sets” in Quizlet) composed of hundreds of....
MicNote CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: voice recorded notes; automatically timestamps for easy reference and editing; edit recordings later; can type while....
Miro Platform: web-based, app, iPad Description: Collaborative whiteboard/mind-mapping and brainstorming on a widely versatile platform with many pre-built templates/layouts and....
Nearpod CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: display presentations live on student devices; allow student interaction with content; include feedback/questions; integrates with Google ....
Newsela CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (ELA, science, social studies) DESCRIPTION: Read articles & take quizzes on-the-go. Adjust article reading level. Create....
Newsinslow CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (language) DESCRIPTION: Excellent current events/news resource that provides beginner-friendly audio and article resources in Spanish, French,....
NoRedInk CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (writing) DESCRIPTION: Adaptive formative literacy practice online. Very effective for dynamic formative writing practice, and integrates....
Otter AI CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: automated transcription services, converting spoken content from meetings, lectures, and conversations into text; real-time transcription,....
Otus CATEGORY: Learning Management System DESCRIPTION: limited LMS, assessment management, and data management to collect and organize formative assessment data;....
Padlet CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: Use to hold a discussion forum in a stream or grid or “mind map”.... CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: Essential online PDF tools like splitting pages, merging separate PDFs, compressing, converting to and from Word....
PDFescape CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: One of the top-rated PDF editors that allows for creating, modifying, and annotating PDFs online or....
PE Central CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (P.E.) DESCRIPTION: Physical Education and Health resources, lesson ideas, professional development opportunities and resources, online....
Pear Assessment CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Fast and powerful formative assessment tool that produces highly intuitive reports and item....
Pear Deck CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Presentation tool that allows you to build in on the fly questions: agree/disagree/....
PhET Interactive Simulations CATEGORY: Resource Library (science, math) DESCRIPTION: Engage with dynamic science/math simulations intended to allow users to manipulate....
Piktochart CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: visual design tool for creating images, icons, infographics, visually dynamic presentations; drag and drop;....
Pinup CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: Quick, collaborative “post-it” board; no login required; simple settings and basic usage COMMON USES:....
PlayPosit CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: break up video and insert questions/quizzes. Monitor student understanding and which students have viewed....
Plickers CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: allows the teacher to ask questions and get immediate feedback without student devices. Students....
Popplet CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: intuitive, dynamic mind-mapping; easier to use for younger students; includes multi-media, color and symbol coding, and....
Postermywall CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This visual design tool focuses specifically on images and promotional materials along with dynamic....
PowToon CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: create dynamic animated videos quickly and easily; use content libraries and templates or build....
Prezi CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: zooming presentation tool that creates visually dynamic presentations and allows for adding media items;....
Problem-Attic CATEGORY: Resource Library DESCRIPTION: assessment question bank for practice and samples, includes items from state- and national-level standardized assessments;....
Prodigy CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (math, ELA) DESCRIPTION: adaptive, gamified math/ELA practice–students are playing an adventure game where the tasks and....
Q-Chat CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: a Quizlet tool: students interact with an AI tutor to review content, self-assess, explore topics, generate....
Quicktime CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: use quicktime on a Mac to record the screen (saves as a video file....
Quill CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (writing) DESCRIPTION: Writing and grammar practice with pre-built activities organized by topic and concept for elementary....
Quillbot CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: AI writing assistant; check grammar, revise and rewrite excerpts like email text or feedback on student....
Quiver CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: bring illustrations to life with this augmented reality app (students color images, then scanned....
Quizalize CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: simple and potent formative assessment builder; create your own quizzes or search the large....
Quizizz CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: formative assessment and assignment tool with dynamic question types, game modes, competition and team....
Quizlet CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Online flash cards and review games: teachers create “decks” of cards that students review....
Read&Write CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: accessibility toolbar that includes speech-to-text and text-to-speech as well as interactivity like highlighting; use with docs....
Readable CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: copy and paste text into a form and it will analyze the reading level score and....
ReadTheory CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (reading) DESCRIPTION: Personalized reading comprehension exercises for K-12 and ESL students; select and assign tasks for....
ReadWorks CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (reading) DESCRIPTION: leveled and topical readings for academic use; assign readings with tasks to students; select....
Remind CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: considered one of the leading communication apps for teachers and parents. Messaging groups and....
Room Sketcher CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This 3D design site allows users to create floor plans and room designs.....
Room Styler 3D Planner CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This 3D room design tool is basic and lacks the features....
Schoolai CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: a comprehensive teacher toolbox of AI functionality; tools include lesson-plan writer, assessment builder, document/worksheet generator, PBL....
Screencastify CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: browser extension for recording the current tab or your entire screen; saves as a....
Screenleap CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: This resource is a realtime screen sharing service that anyone can use to broadcast a screen....
ScreenPal CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: application for recording your screen that includes drawing tools to annotate while you record;....
Seesaw CATEGORY: Learning Management System DESCRIPTION: teachers manage student work and assignments; students create and share digital portfolios (images, recordings,....
ShowMe CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: use this app as an interactive whiteboard to record lessons; share lesson recordings with....
Sketchup CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: 3D design studio to create models, structures, plans, and other designs COMMON USES: general....
Slack CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: messaging and discussion tool that allows for creating and sharing channels to discuss specific....
Slido CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: while presenting, this tool allows presenters to host backchannel chats, deliver quick polls/surveys, and....
Smore CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This is a digital newsletter and poster tool known for its user-friendly interface and....
Socrative CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: multiple choice, true/false, short answer; allows for teaming, competitions, quick exit tickets, quick questions,....
Soundtrap CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: audio production studio; create podcasts, songs, audio tracks, sound effects, etc. easily and quickly....
Squid Notes CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: This notes app is a feature-rich and user-friendly handwriting app. Chromebooks and Android devices can....
Stormboard CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: interactive remote collaboration with easy-to-use interface for project/task management and mind-mapping; use pre-made templates to setup....
Storybird CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: students create and read visual storybooks; select an illustration from the library, write a story....
Storyjumper CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: students create, publish, and print storybooks with photo and audio options (in digital); publish formats....
Suno AI CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: create voiceovers, podcasts, custom music tracks, and other audio projects by converting text into speech;....
Sutori CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: This presentation tool is collaborative (real time), dynamic (can embed media, interactive content –....
Symbaloo CATEGORY: Resource Library. DESCRIPTION: organize the internet and digital resources for students; bookmark websites and other web-based artifacts in....
Talk & Comment CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: This Google Chrome extension allows users to record a voice note on any website....
Ted-Ed CATEGORY: Resource Library. DESCRIPTION: TedEd allows teachers to create interactive video lessons that have questions, additional information, resources, and....
The QR Code Generator CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: quickly and easily create and share QR codes on this free website (unlike....
Tiki-Toki Timeline CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: create dynamic timelines with images, videos, and other media; use online or download the....
Trello Platform: web app, mobile app (all platforms) Description: (FREE to use, premium available) This project management tool allows users....
Udio CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: AI audio and music generator; create custom songs and music from text prompts and lyrics....
Zearn Math Platform: web app Description: (FREE for all teachers) This curriculum tool provides comprehensive instructional and assessment materials for....
Ziteboard Platform: web-based, Chrome app/ext, Android app Description: A zooming, interactive whiteboard (free for individual use, premium features include realtime....
Adobe Express CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: create visually dynamic graphics, web pages, and videos; includes free images and icons
Animoto CATEGORY: Photo & Video. DESCRIPTION: blend music, photos, and videos into a professional-quality video (all videos on the free
Assemblr CATEGORY: Photo & Video. DESCRIPTION: build augmented reality assets attached to physical resources (example: when viewing a poster on
AudioPen CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: convert voice recordings into text summaries; users transcribe spoken content and organize it into clear, structured
Autocrat CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: use Google Sheets to automatically generate Docs and other formats; merge data from sheets into docs
Awesome Screenshot CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: both an image annotation tool (Chrome app) and a screencasting tool (Chrome ext); great
Babbel CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: Practice languages (many available) via dynamic activities. Limited content in free version, but highly rated CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity DESCRIPTION: This presentation tool integrates a generative artificial intelligence that crafts visuals for you based on
Blogger CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: Google’s first and simplest blogging platform; Blogger utilizes dynamic templates and various gadgets and
Bloomz CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: an all-in-one school-to-home connection tool. From 2-way messaging with parents to scheduling events with
Boomwriter CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: collaborative, scaffolded narrative writing; features include sharing and publishing student writing and giving and
Buncee CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: A presentation tool with student-friendly and intuitive design; includes unique elements like animations and other design
Canva CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: the most widely used visual design tool for creating images, icons, infographics, visually dynamic
Canva Magic Write CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: (note: regular Canva account required) a text-based copy writer that will produce copy
ChatGPT CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: generate ideas, answer questions, and explain concepts; create lesson materials, quizzes, and assignments; students can practice
Chatterpix CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: this app allows users to add a mouth to an image and insert audio
Chrome Music Lab CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: this music and beat creation tool allows users (no account necessary) to
Class Dojo CATEGORY: Learning Management System DESCRIPTION: one of the leading behavior management tools; award students points based on customized
Classcraft CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: behavior management and K-8 ELA/math tool; this system gamifies the classroom experience, mirroring and
ClassHook CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: Browse library of content-connected popular movie clips; create and assign clips and tasks to
Classkick CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: create and monitor digital assignments in real time; teacher-student interaction, highly recommend, great connectivity,
Code Shrew CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: This simple (free!) web app allows users to create basic drawing and animations with
Coggle CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: basic mind-mapping tool with limited customization; add visuals from built-in media library COMMON USES: teachers create
Conjuguemos CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: lessons, resources, and activities to support language teachers (Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, and
Curipod CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: teachers create interactive lessons using AI. Students can explore various topics, and the AI functionality
CutePDF CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: PDF file type conversion tool: Delete, crop, and merge PDFs, among other things COMMON USES: teachers
Democracy 3 CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: This app allows users to create their own governments/economies and play out simulations that
Desmos CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: digital graphing tool and assignment creation for interactive, visual mathematics COMMON USES: teachers create and
Doceri CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: app for creating videos of annotated lessons (can insert images, text, shapes, etc.), interactive and collaborative
DocHub CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: edit, email, and sign PDFs along with additional features like merging multiple documents COMMON USES: share
Doctopus CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: use to deliver copies of shared items to students, grade via rubrics, comment on
Dotstorming CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: very simple posting/voting tool; users (no login needed) can add cards, comment, chat, and
Dream Machine CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: generate video clips from text inputs; create fully customizable video clips from cartoon graphics to
DuoLingo CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: this site/app allows users to practice foreign languages easily and progressively, delivering steadily more complex lessons
EdPuzzle CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: use videos from youtube, khan, etc. (or upload your own) to create a video
RESOURCES Edpuzzle Help Center for Teachers Help Center for Students Help Center for Parents Visit the Edpuzzle Blog EDPUZZLE Click CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: an AI platform that allows users to create lesson plans, assessments, and educational resources. It aims
Educreations CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: app and website that allows users to create whiteboard lessons with multiple pages/slides, images, text,
EquatIO Platform: Extension (Chrome) Description: easily insert mathematics expressions into google docs or forms Common Strategies: use a Google Doc to
Explain Everything CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: create dynamic video lessons from a whiteboard style interface with drawing tools, text
Exploratorium CATEGORY: Content-area Tool DESCRIPTION: This virtual museum provides resources and experiences for exploring a wide range of topics in
Fan School CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: easy and intuitive blogging for younger students COMMON USES: Students create learning profiles CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (music) DESCRIPTION: (FREE for teachers, premium available) This web/iOS app allows users to create musical scores
Flubaroo CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: automatically grade google form submissions and send feedback/results to students COMMON USES: use Flubaroo to
Formative CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: assignment and assessment tool that includes multiple choice, true/false, text, draw (and insert PDFs/images
Formative AI CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: (built into the existing Formative platform) create, distribute, and assess student assignments in real time;
Renaissance Freckle CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (ELA, Math) DESCRIPTION: Adaptive and personalized math, ELA, social studies, and science instruction (grade levels
GenType CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: a Google Labs tool that creates custom “fonts” (images of letters, basically) based on any
GeoGebra CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (math) DESCRIPTION: math tools and resources focused on grades 4-8, includes sample assignments and activities COMMON
Goblin Tools CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: AI tools for interaction with texts, tasks, ideas, and more; Magic ToDo: generate sub-tasks
GoNoodle CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (brain break) DESCRIPTION: GoNoodle turns movement into a game and makes it easy to be active, the
Goobric CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: (works with Doctopus) Create rubrics that can be instantly and easily inserted into student Google
Google Classroom Platform: web-based, app Description: stream/feed-based LMS with prevalent Google tool integration and widespread external tool integration Pro Tips: use
RESOURCES New to Classroom? Watch this: Classroom 101 [VIDEO] Google Classroom help center Google Classroom user community Google Classroom FAQ
Google Drawings CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: custom design tool that is great for mind-mapping because of layering and connecting tools,
Google Forms CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Open-ended survey/assessment tool (can customize to any degree or use with combination of
RESOURCES Google Forms help center How to use Google Forms Google Forms learning center GOOGLE FORMS Click the orange box
Google Sites CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: quickly create simple, clean, professional sites with drag and drop tools and Google integration COMMON
RESOURCES New to Sites? Watch Introduction to Google Sites [VIDEO] Google Sites help center Google Sites user community GOOGLE SITES
Google Slides CATEGORY: Sharing & Presentation DESCRIPTION: Google’s presentation tool designed around the same concept as powerpoint but with greater
Google Teacher Center CATEGORY: Resource Library DESCRIPTION: This is Google’s teacher help and training center for all things Google (Classroom,
Grammarly CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: browser extension that checks grammar and spelling as you type in websites, documents, etc. on your
Grammarly AI CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: AI features built into Grammarly that support writing revision, drafting and brainstorming, editing, and
Hello Talk CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (language) DESCRIPTION: Dubbed a “Language Exchange.” Users interact with other users to help each other learn
HeyGen CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: generate an AI version of yourself to then create videos based on text input; includes
Ideogram CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: AI tool for generating fully customized visuals; includes images, graphics, charts, realistic photos, and more.
iMovie CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: create videos easily and intuitively with the industry-leading movie-making software (iPad or Mac only);
Insert Learning CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: This Google Chrome extension allows users to turn entire web pages into interactive lessons. On the
Instructables CATEGORY: Resource Library DESCRIPTION: how-to for anything and everything; examples include how to 3D print certain objects, how to
IXL CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: immersive, adaptive math/ELA content practice (PK-12th grade); students take diagnostic tests to align with
Kahoot! CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: real-time multiple-choice game (can play individually or in teams) with options for assigning activities
Kaizena CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Docs/Chrome: Highlight and speak instead of typing to comment on student docs. Track skills
Kami CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: edit PDFs, annotate on PDFs; download, share, and save; add or delete pages; includes integrations within
Keepvid CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: Download or save videos from youtube, etc. (works inconsistently depending on copyright situations); additional
Khan Academy CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (all) DESCRIPTION: digital content library; online course lessons, assessments & resources; pre-made video lesson activities
Khanmigo CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: developed by Khan Academy, provide personalized learning support, answer questions, and help guide students through educational
Learning Paths CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: (by Symbaloo) create student-paced lessons by adding resources, links, or media as well
Loom CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: Screen video recorder (screencasting) that allows users to record: tab, desktop, webcam; integrates with
RESOURCES New to Loom? Visit Getting Started Loom help center Loom for Education Loom Blog LOOM Click the orange box
Math Aids CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (math) DESCRIPTION: resources for teachers for enrichment, to remediation; downloadable/printable activities and worksheets (CAUTION: website
Memrise CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (language) DESCRIPTION: foreign language practice; includes “courses” (similar to “sets” in Quizlet) composed of hundreds of
MicNote CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: voice recorded notes; automatically timestamps for easy reference and editing; edit recordings later; can type while
Miro Platform: web-based, app, iPad Description: Collaborative whiteboard/mind-mapping and brainstorming on a widely versatile platform with many pre-built templates/layouts and
Nearpod CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: display presentations live on student devices; allow student interaction with content; include feedback/questions; integrates with Google
Newsela CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (ELA, science, social studies) DESCRIPTION: Read articles & take quizzes on-the-go. Adjust article reading level. Create
Newsinslow CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (language) DESCRIPTION: Excellent current events/news resource that provides beginner-friendly audio and article resources in Spanish, French,
NoRedInk CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (writing) DESCRIPTION: Adaptive formative literacy practice online. Very effective for dynamic formative writing practice, and integrates
Otter AI CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: automated transcription services, converting spoken content from meetings, lectures, and conversations into text; real-time transcription,
Otus CATEGORY: Learning Management System DESCRIPTION: limited LMS, assessment management, and data management to collect and organize formative assessment data;
Padlet CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: Use to hold a discussion forum in a stream or grid or “mind map”
RESOURCES View the Padlet Tour Visit the Padlet Help Page PADLET Click the orange box to show/hide each section. PART CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: Essential online PDF tools like splitting pages, merging separate PDFs, compressing, converting to and from Word
PDFescape CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: One of the top-rated PDF editors that allows for creating, modifying, and annotating PDFs online or
PE Central CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (P.E.) DESCRIPTION: Physical Education and Health resources, lesson ideas, professional development opportunities and resources, online
Pear Assessment CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Fast and powerful formative assessment tool that produces highly intuitive reports and item
Pear Deck CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Presentation tool that allows you to build in on the fly questions: agree/disagree/
PhET Interactive Simulations CATEGORY: Resource Library (science, math) DESCRIPTION: Engage with dynamic science/math simulations intended to allow users to manipulate
Piktochart CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: visual design tool for creating images, icons, infographics, visually dynamic presentations; drag and drop;
Pinup CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: Quick, collaborative “post-it” board; no login required; simple settings and basic usage COMMON USES:
PlayPosit CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: break up video and insert questions/quizzes. Monitor student understanding and which students have viewed
Plickers CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: allows the teacher to ask questions and get immediate feedback without student devices. Students
Popplet CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: intuitive, dynamic mind-mapping; easier to use for younger students; includes multi-media, color and symbol coding, and
Postermywall CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This visual design tool focuses specifically on images and promotional materials along with dynamic
PowToon CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: create dynamic animated videos quickly and easily; use content libraries and templates or build
Prezi CATEGORY: Sharing & Publishing DESCRIPTION: zooming presentation tool that creates visually dynamic presentations and allows for adding media items;
Problem-Attic CATEGORY: Resource Library DESCRIPTION: assessment question bank for practice and samples, includes items from state- and national-level standardized assessments;
Prodigy CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (math, ELA) DESCRIPTION: adaptive, gamified math/ELA practice–students are playing an adventure game where the tasks and
Q-Chat CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: a Quizlet tool: students interact with an AI tutor to review content, self-assess, explore topics, generate
Quicktime CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: use quicktime on a Mac to record the screen (saves as a video file
Quill CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (writing) DESCRIPTION: Writing and grammar practice with pre-built activities organized by topic and concept for elementary
Quillbot CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: AI writing assistant; check grammar, revise and rewrite excerpts like email text or feedback on student
Quiver CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: bring illustrations to life with this augmented reality app (students color images, then scanned
Quizalize CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: simple and potent formative assessment builder; create your own quizzes or search the large
Quizizz CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: formative assessment and assignment tool with dynamic question types, game modes, competition and team
RESOURCES How should teachers use Quizizz? [VIDEO] Quizizz Help Desk Quizizz Community Feedback Forum Quizizz Blog Additional Quizizz Resources QUIZIZZ
Quizlet CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: Online flash cards and review games: teachers create “decks” of cards that students review
Read&Write CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: accessibility toolbar that includes speech-to-text and text-to-speech as well as interactivity like highlighting; use with docs
Readable CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: copy and paste text into a form and it will analyze the reading level score and
ReadTheory CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (reading) DESCRIPTION: Personalized reading comprehension exercises for K-12 and ESL students; select and assign tasks for
ReadWorks CATEGORY: Content-area Tool (reading) DESCRIPTION: leveled and topical readings for academic use; assign readings with tasks to students; select
Remind CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: considered one of the leading communication apps for teachers and parents. Messaging groups and
Room Sketcher CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This 3D design site allows users to create floor plans and room designs.
Room Styler 3D Planner CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This 3D room design tool is basic and lacks the features
Schoolai CATEGORY: A.I. Productivity. DESCRIPTION: a comprehensive teacher toolbox of AI functionality; tools include lesson-plan writer, assessment builder, document/worksheet generator, PBL
RESOURCES Schoology Help Center Schoology Instructor Q&A Schoology Video Resources (Youtube) Schoology Resources (general) SCHOOLOGY Click the orange box to
Screencastify CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: browser extension for recording the current tab or your entire screen; saves as a
RESOURCES Beginner’s Guide to Screencastify Screencastify Help and Learning Center Screencastify Courses/Training SCREENCASTIFY Click the orange box to show/hide each
Screenleap CATEGORY: Productivity DESCRIPTION: This resource is a realtime screen sharing service that anyone can use to broadcast a screen
ScreenPal CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: application for recording your screen that includes drawing tools to annotate while you record;
Seesaw CATEGORY: Learning Management System DESCRIPTION: teachers manage student work and assignments; students create and share digital portfolios (images, recordings,
RESOURCES Seesaw quick start [VIDEO] Seesaw help center Seesaw training and PD SEESAW Click the orange box to show/hide each
ShowMe CATEGORY: Photo & Video DESCRIPTION: use this app as an interactive whiteboard to record lessons; share lesson recordings with
Sketchup CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: 3D design studio to create models, structures, plans, and other designs COMMON USES: general
Slack CATEGORY: Discussion & Collaboration DESCRIPTION: messaging and discussion tool that allows for creating and sharing channels to discuss specific
Slido CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: while presenting, this tool allows presenters to host backchannel chats, deliver quick polls/surveys, and
Smore CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: This is a digital newsletter and poster tool known for its user-friendly interface and
Socrative CATEGORY: Assessment & Feedback DESCRIPTION: multiple choice, true/false, short answer; allows for teaming, competitions, quick exit tickets, quick questions,
Soundtrap CATEGORY: Design & Creativity DESCRIPTION: audio production studio; create podcasts, songs, audio tracks, sound effects, etc. easily and quickly
Squid Notes CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: This notes app is a feature-rich and user-friendly handwriting app. Chromebooks and Android devices can
Stormboard CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: interactive remote collaboration with easy-to-use interface for project/task management and mind-mapping; use pre-made templates to setup
Storybird CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: students create and read visual storybooks; select an illustration from the library, write a story
Storyjumper CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: students create, publish, and print storybooks with photo and audio options (in digital); publish formats
Suno AI CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: create voiceovers, podcasts, custom music tracks, and other audio projects by converting text into speech;
Sutori CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: This presentation tool is collaborative (real time), dynamic (can embed media, interactive content –
Symbaloo CATEGORY: Resource Library. DESCRIPTION: organize the internet and digital resources for students; bookmark websites and other web-based artifacts in
Talk & Comment CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: This Google Chrome extension allows users to record a voice note on any website
Ted-Ed CATEGORY: Resource Library. DESCRIPTION: TedEd allows teachers to create interactive video lessons that have questions, additional information, resources, and
The QR Code Generator CATEGORY: Productivity. DESCRIPTION: quickly and easily create and share QR codes on this free website (unlike
Tiki-Toki Timeline CATEGORY: Design & Creativity. DESCRIPTION: create dynamic timelines with images, videos, and other media; use online or download the
TinkerCad Platform: web-based Description: online 3D design studio by Autodesk; great for designing models for 3D printing Common Strategies: design
TinyTap Platform: web-based, app Description: dynamic curriculum library of student-ready lessons, units, and videos based on subject-area topics (not necessarily related
Trello Platform: web app, mobile app (all platforms) Description: (FREE to use, premium available) This project management tool allows users
Udio CATEGORY: A.I. Creativity. DESCRIPTION: AI audio and music generator; create custom songs and music from text prompts and lyrics
Vernier Graphical Analysis Platform: Chrome app, desktop (PC or Mac) app Description: Quick and easy tool for plotting and analyzing data;
Video Downloader Pro Platform: extension (Chrome) Description: Download videos from web sites or just collect them in your video list without
VideoAnt Platform: web-based Description: annotate videos from YouTube and share as video lessons Platform: web-based Description: this website allows user to take notes while watching a video and later review the video as
Vidyard Platform: extension (Chrome) Description: records screen or tab and webcam; notifies when a recipient watches the recording
ViewPure Platform: web-based Description: lets teachers stream YouTube videos without suggested content or comments
Virtual Nerd Platform: web-based Description: another great content library for middle school and high school math teachers; video resources that accompany
Vocaroo Platform: web-based Description: record voice, then share/send link to recording (no download needed)
Voice Recorder Platform: web-based Description: record, trim, and share audio clips easily and quickly with this free website
Weebly Platform: web-based Description: block-style drag-and-drop website builder; dynamic design features; intuitive and user-friendly
WeVideo Platform: web-based, Chrome app Description: Chrome-based video production tool; add video clips, images, screencasts, and other media to create dynamic
Wonderopolis Platform: website Description: Free resource for asking and exploring interesting questions. Users can browse all wonders (including a wonder
WordPress Platform: web-based Description: html-focused website builder with dynamic plugin functionality; popular blogging platform with dynamic page and blog functionality and
Workbench Platform: web-based Description: Project-Based Learning resources and platform; contains student-ready projects tied to standards (NGSS, CCSS); integrates with Google Classroom;
Writeabout Platform: web-based Description: Blog-type format that utilizes pictures to inspire writing, also has a recording feature
Zearn Math Platform: web app Description: (FREE for all teachers) This curriculum tool provides comprehensive instructional and assessment materials for
Ziteboard Platform: web-based, Chrome app/ext, Android app Description: A zooming, interactive whiteboard (free for individual use, premium features include realtime
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